We Help Educational Consultants with Content and Marketing so They Get Found, Look Good, Build Relationships, Establish Authority–and Get Hired!
Do You have Great Content, but You’re having Trouble Getting Noticed? Are You Struggling to Generate Steady Work? Do You Know You Need Better Marketing, but You’re Not Sure Where to Turn? We Can Help!
The Challenge…
So, you’ve made the leap. You’ve left the classroom and launched your business as an independent educational consultant. You have something to share—great strategies that could help teachers help their students succeed. You’re ready to make a difference. All you need is a chance…
But that’s the issue, isn’t it? How do you get noticed by the decision makers? How do you make a positive impression on those decision makers and convince them that you have the solutions to their professional development problems? And, in the longer term, how do you build up a dedicated following of like-minded educators so you get hired consistently?

It’s a challenge, not doubt about it. You have so much to do—designing workshops, creating products, maybe writing a book—and that doesn’t even take into account all the everyday business stuff you have to manage: contracts, invoicing, collections, taxes….How are you supposed to have the time to do all that and learn marketing on top of it all? It’s enough to make you pull your hair out.
Believe me, I get it. My name is Willy Wood, and I’ve been where you are. I’ve been a classroom teacher, a Department of Ed. consultant, and, for nearly 20 years, an independent educational consultant. I’ve presented in schools and at conferences, I’ve created products, I’ve written books, I’ve blogged and written a newsletter. If it “comes with the territory” of being an educational consultant, I’ve done it.
Marketing and Copywriting: The Two Areas Most Consultants Struggle With

But this isn’t about me. This is about you and getting you the help you need to succeed. When I think about what an independent educational consultant needs to be successful in today’s world, I divide it up into four categories (I’m leaving out subject matter expertise in a particular educational niche and strong presenting skills—those are a given). Those categories are: (1) you need to be found by your ideal clients, (2) you need to make a great first impression on those clients, (3) you need to build long-term relationships with those clients, and, over time, you need to establish yourself as an authority in your niche.
That’s where I come in. Like I said, I’ve been in your shoes. If you want to check out my About page, I’ll explain that statement in more detail, but for now, let’s just assume that I have a pretty good grasp of the challenges you face in your business. I do—but so what? You don’t just need someone who understands your challenges, you need someone to help you with your marketing—and that’s where my unique background pays off.
You see, in addition to my experience in education, I’ve also taken it upon myself to study marketing techniques and to learn how to write copy that sells. I’ve been studying and applying these techniques for over 10 years, and I’m prepared to use this expertise to help you market yourself more effectively than you ever have before.
Where do you need the most help? Do you need help getting found in search engines like Google? Do you need a website written (or re-written) to make an impression on your site visitors and get them to contact you? Do you need a proven system for capturing leads, building relationships with those leads, and turning them into raving fans and customers? Do you need to write a blog, an e-book, or a book to establish authority in your field? I can help with any—or all—of that.
Feel free to click around on the site to learn more about me and the services I offer.
And, when you’re ready, contact me for a free consultation. I’m waiting to hear from you!