Becoming an Established Authority in Your Niche
Let Us Put You on the “Fast Track” to the Top!
You’ve probably heard the saying about fast, cheap, and easy, right? If not, it goes like this:
“Fast, cheap, and easy. You can have two of the three, but never all three at the same time. You can have it fast and cheap, but it won’t be easy. You can have it fast and easy, but it won’t be cheap. Or you can have it cheap and easy, but it won’t be fast.”

When it comes to the educational consulting world, there’s a lot of truth to that saying. There’s the fast and cheap way for consultants to establish themselves as authorities in their niches—become a published author. In our society, we put authors on pedestals and instantly accord them authority status. You can go from unknown quantity to a superstar in your niche with a single well-written book or e-book, or even with a popular blog. But for most people, writing is very hard work.
Then there’s the cheap and easy way—putting your nose to the grindstone, doing workshops and presenting at conferences non-stop, spreading your name primarily through word of mouth and referrals. But this approach can take a long time.
And then there’s the fast and easy way. What is it?
Well, the answer is the same as in the fast and cheap way—becoming an author. But, with our help, you can get rid of the hard work part of the equation. How? By letting us do the writing for you!
That’s right. We do all the work, and your name goes on the publication. Yes, it will cost you some money, but our ghostwriting services are truly the fast (and easy!) track to authority in your field.
Three Genres We can Ghostwrite for You
Blog Posts

For today’s educational consultant, blogging has almost become a “must.” Your ideal clients are browsing the internet daily, looking for content that speaks to their needs and interests. If you’re the one providing that content, they’re likely to follow you, and (if the blog post is somewhere other than on your website) they’re likely to follow a link back to your site. And every time they land on your site, you have another opportunity to sell them on your services.
E-books are longer content pieces than Special Reports and are great ways for you to demonstrate your expertise in your field. There are several other major benefits to writing an e-book (or having one ghost-written for you):
- It’s much easier to publish your own e-book than to get a publishing contract with a traditional publisher
- You can charge money for your e-books, and even though you typically can only charge a fraction of what a traditional publisher charges for a book, you can make more money per sale on an e-book because you get to keep a higher percentage of the sales price
- You have the option of selling your e-book through someone like Amazon (that’s perhaps the more prestigious route, but they also keep a cut of each sale), or you can sell your e-book(s) directly from your website, which allows you to keep 100% of each sale (as well as stay in control of the entire promotion).
The “gold standard,” of course, is still the paper and ink book published by a traditional “big name” publisher. And we can work with you to not only write your book, but to try to help you get the book placed with such a publisher.

But with all of the options available to you today, that’s hardly the only way to publish a book. You could go the print-on-demand route and have a very nice-looking book to send out to your buyers.
Of course, you’ll have to market the book yourself, but if you take advantage of some of our other services, you could have your book written, then use a number of approaches—e-mail marketing, a blog, a newsletter, PPC ads, etc. to market the book. There’s a good chance that, following this approach, you could actually sell more books this way than you would through a traditional publisher—and every book you sell grows your authority.
If you’re interested in learning how our ghostwriting services can put you on the fast track to becoming the “go-to guru” in your niche, just reach out. We’re ready to get started!