You Only Have One Chance to Make a First Impression
Make it Count with Targeted Website Copy
Your website copy can make or break your business. Why? Because research has shown that you only have a few seconds to catch the typical website visitor’s attention, or he’ll be gone. And once he’s gone, he’s probably not coming back.

Your web copy must grab your reader immediately, speak to her needs, and offer solutions to her problems. It must drive her step by step through the sales process. It must engage her so completely that she says to herself, “Now, these people get me. These are the kind of people I want to work with!” That’s how you turn a prospect into a buyer.
But let’s face it, that’s not the reaction of the typical website visitor. Most of us visit many sites each day, looking for answers to our problems, but we usually spend only a few seconds on each site before moving on to the next one. We might go through tens, even hundreds, of sites before finding one that speaks to us so strongly that we feel compelled to purchase a product or service from them.
Website Copy That Works

Why is this the case? Well, to be blunt, it’s because the copy on your typical website sucks! I don’t mean that it’s necessarily poorly written (though that is true of many sites), but rather that the copy simply isn’t written from a marketing perspective.
You see, most websites, even those who are trying to sell a product or service, forget the most important principle of good marketing copy: WIIFM.
In case you’re not familiar with that acronym, it stands for “What’s in it for me?” and it’s what every single one of your website visitors is thinking. What’s in it for them?
Instead, most websites drone on and on about the person or company running the website. This sends the message, “It’s all about me. Me! Me! Me!” It’s not hard to see why that would turn off site visitors who are only interested in finding a solution to their problem.
Targeted Copy Sells
When I write website copy, I work with you to understand first of all what your consulting business has to offer potential clients. I then work with you to identify exactly who your ideal client is…what his challenges are…what his fears are…what keeps him up at night.

And then I write your web copy so that it speaks directly to that ideal client and offers him the solutions he’s seeking, which (joy!) just happen to be the products and/or services you offer.
If you need a website developed from scratch, I can work with you from inception all the way through to the finished product—a site you can be proud of.
If you already have a site, but it’s not working as well as you’d like, I can do an in-depth site analysis to diagnose what the issues are and suggest fixes for those issues. And, of course, I could revise your site in light of those recommendations, should you wish.
If you’re happy with your site for the most part, but have a page or two that you’d like revamped, I could do that for you, as well. I can write Home pages, About pages, FAQ pages, and many more.
So, if your website isn’t performing as you’d like—or if you need a new website created from scratch—I can help. Just head over to the Contact page and hit me up.
In no time, your website will be making a first impression you’ll be proud of!