Let Me Help You Grow Your Business

“So much to do; so little time.” That well-worn saying is true for many people, but none more so than for educational consultants. You have to build your expertise in your niche. You have to hone your presentation skills. You have to develop new products and services, and on and on…
And, oh yeah. You have to market yourself.
The problem is, while most educational consultants feel up to the task of building expertise, honing presentation skills, and developing new products (those, after all, are the reasons they became consultants in the first place), most have no clue how to go about marketing their businesses, or even if they do know how, they begrudge the time and effort it takes to do so.
You Don’t Have to Do It All
If this sounds like you, don’t despair. Yes, you could try to do it all yourself, but there’s another option. You see, I help educational consultants like you with their marketing so they can spend their time doing the things they love.
And yes, I do have to charge for my services (after all, I have a business to run, too), but think of it this way…the time I spend doing writing and marketing tasks for you is time freed up for you to land more paying gigs. Just one or two extra jobs could cover the cost of my services…it’s a win-win!
So, what kinds of services do I provide? I like to break the whole range of services down into four big “buckets”:
If your biggest challenge is getting found by your ideal clients, I can help your site rise through the search rankings with my keyword research and SEO writing services. That’s step one, after all.
If people are finding your site, but they’re leaving in droves without hiring you, you may need help in making a better impression on your visitors. I can help you identify your target audience and then write web content that will have them saying, “Wow! This person really gets me!”
Or maybe people are finding you, and maybe you’re making a good impression, but once you do one job for them, you never hear from them again. If you’d like to build long-term relationships with your clients so that they become raving fans and repeat customers, I can help with that, too. Whether it’s through a lead generation piece that helps to build your list, a newsletter, e-mail marketing, or social media, I can become your behind-the-scenes relationship builder, helping you grow your “posse” of followers.
Or perhaps you have all of these pieces in place, but you still haven’t “broken through” to become seen as a true authority in your niche. If that’s the case, nothing quite does the trick like the visibility you can achieve by being published. Whether your preferred approach is blogging, writing e-books to sell on Amazon or on your own site, or whether it’s shooting for that big book contract with a traditional publisher, I offer ghostwriting services to get you from zero to published author quickly and easily.
Maybe you only need help with one of these areas. Or two, or three…or even all four. No worries. No job is too small or too large.
If you want to learn more about the services I can provide for you, click on the categories above or use the Services drop-down menu.
And if you’re ready to talk about how I can help, give me a call, shoot me an e-mail, or use the Contact form to get in touch. I’m ready to help!