Which SEO Keyword Research Tool is Best for Your Business?
There are many SEO research tools, but which one is best for your business? Here’s our review and recommendations.
There are many SEO research tools, but which one is best for your business? Here’s our review and recommendations.
Creating a customer avatar takes work, but keyword research can help you create a detailed avatar that will serve your business needs well.
Becoming an authority in your niche requires you to be focused, to be seen in multiple places in your market, to be productive, to be bold, to be helpful, to be a leader, and to be human.
A customer avatar is one of the most important documents you can create for your business. Flesh out your avatar with demographic data, keyword research, and social media research.
In a recent blog post, I talked about SEO vs. PPC, including the pros and cons of each. In the final analysis, I suggested that a comprehensive search engine marketing (SEM) strategy including a synergistic combination of paid and unpaid marketing was the best approach. Today, I want to zero in a little bit on … Read more
Creating your customer avatar is one of the most important steps you can take in your consulting business to nail down your niche.
Being an expert isn’t enough for consulting success. You must achieve guru status, which means building and managing a tribe.
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about identifying a niche you can compete in within your broader market and how crucial that is for the success of your young consulting business. Because the truth is, if you try to sell to everyone, you’ll end up selling to no one. In that post, I gave … Read more
If you’re like most consultants, you have a website. And, if your website is like most consultants’ websites, it’s just sitting there, getting very little traffic. And when you look for it on Google, you have dig pretty deep to find it. This can be pretty discouraging (not to mention not very helpful for your … Read more
To successfully carve out a niche market for your educational consulting business, you need to find a niche, then twist it